Comme des Garçons, translated as "Like Boys" in French, is a renowned Japanese fashion brand founded by designer Rei Kawakubo in Tokyo in 1969. Initially starting as a small boutique selling second-hand clothes, it rapidly evolved into a symbol of avant-garde fashion. Kawakubo's groundbreaking designs challenged conventional notions of beauty, often characterized by asymmetry, deconstruction, and monochromatic color schemes. Comme des Garçons gained international recognition in the 1980s with its debut collection in Paris, which defied traditional silhouettes and pushed the boundaries of fashion. The brand's influential presence expanded with its diffusion lines, including Comme des Garçons Homme and Comme des Garçons Play, each contributing to its diverse and innovative portfolio. Notable collaborations with artists, designers, and brands further solidified its status as an iconic force in the fashion industry.