Leather Alchemy: A Conversation with 0.hide

Leather Alchemy: A Conversation with 0.hide

By FORM Administrator

Picture a leather bag slung across a shoulder; the curve of its handle imprinted by countless hands. Imagine a belt, its patina deepening with every buckle fastened. These are not mere accessories; they are companions on life’s journey. The passage of time informs their character—the creases, the imperfections, the stories whispered by every scuff. 

In the heart of Maastricht, a city steeped in history and nestled in the southern Netherlands, lies the atelier of 0.hide. Here, amidst cobblestone streets and centuries-old architecture, a craftsman weaves magic with leather. The brand’s ethos is simple yet profound: to create timeless accessories and objects that transcend fleeting trends and resonate with those who appreciate authenticity. The name 0.hide carries a whisper of mystery, a nod to the hidden stories within each piece. But beyond the enigmatic title lies a clear vision: to honor nature’s gifts and craft them into enduring works of art. The founder, whose name remains shrouded in anonymity, believes in the power of materials. Leather, with its tactile richness and inherent strength, became the chosen medium. 

"Transparente", treated horse shoulder. FW 2024 "Synthesis" collection.

As an autodidact, the founder embarked on a personal odyssey. Leather beckoned, an ancient material with secrets etched into its grain. Years of fascination with artisan designers fuelled the fire. The journey began humbly, crafting small goods like wallets and belts. Each stitch, each burnished edge, a testament to dedication. But it didn’t end there, the artisan delved deeper, exploring techniques, experimenting with textures, and pushing boundaries. The pieces emerged; bold, robust, and tactile. They bore the weight of time, as if molded by centuries of wear. The creator’s mind, always thinking in images, found solace in tangible forms. A painting or poem could not suffice; only objects—solid, substantial, could satiate the hunger to create.

The atelier buzzes with purpose, a sanctuary where time slows down. Here, the artisan follows an unhurried process, paying homage to the raw materials. The brand’s DNA is rooted in this reverence: no trends, no theories—just an unwavering commitment to quality. The result? Pieces that breathe, evolve, and tell their own stories.

FORM: Many of the pieces you create are made to look as if they are moulded to the body or worn for an extended period of time. How does the passage of time inform your new work?

0.hide: I want nature to speak through my work. Buying raw hides with a lot of natural details automatically result in items that look like they are already worn. It’s intentional. Sometimes I like to work really precise and make very clean work, but this has to be in balance with the natural characteristics of the materials that I use. I don’t make items that will break after a few years, I want someone to buy a bag and still have it with them after 20 years. I want my work to outlast our lives. (A bad business model when I think about it.), but trust and passion is more important I feel. At the end I have to feel good with what I do. 

FORM: The materials you utilize seem to be a key component in your creative process, how do the materials you use impact the garment’s relationship with its wearer? Do you specifically look for materials with imperfections and structure? If so, why?

0.hide: I care, I care a lot about everything that I decide to use. I’m very aware that I’m using a material that is sourced from a living animal. I have a lot of respect for this and try to purchase hides that are sourced in the most ethical way possible. I know there are still steps to make because this world is not always super transparent. I hope that people who buy my work are also aware of what they buy. When you see a leather hide that is made in a way it doesn’t look natural, there is no connection with nature, people don’t even think about this being an animal product because it’s so far away from what it used to be, if that makes sense. Using leather with scarring, marks etc, tells me that this animal actually lived. A farm raised animal doesn’t have any cuts, bites or scratches. It preserves and respect this animal in time.

Translucent horse leather backpack, FW 2024 "Synthesis" collection.

FORM: Everything you create seems to be handmade. Why is it important to you to have such close interactions with each creation?

0.hide: Yes, indeed everything is handmade, of course with the use of a few machines. Like I said before, I want to create items that outlast our lives. I think this is also very much respected by my customers. They know they are spending their money well and buying an actual quality product. There is too much rubbish in this world, too much fast stuff. Why would you want to buy something that you can throw away after a short period of time? Yes I could make something quicker, something half the price, but I refuse to do this. I want to make the best; the best materials, the best construction, the best interaction. How I want life to be, quality.

FORM: Clearly you are creating pieces that are made to stand the test of time, do you consider how your products will be interacted with in the future as they progress through their lifecycle?

0.hide: Yes, The pieces are not even done when they leave my atelier, the customer has to finish their piece. These materials usually have a high amount of natural oils, these make sure that the leather will age very well. Only with wear, this aging process will start. This isn’t something I can do in the atelier, but is up to the user. If you take the items and use them for a year, you will see a totally different item, edges are polished, leather got softer and also polished by the natural oils that have come to the surface. Every item will be unique in this way. I select materials to make sure the pieces will age excellently. 

"Transparente", treated horse shoulder. FW 2024 "Synthesis" collection.

And so, from Maastricht’s cobblestones to global doorsteps, 0.hide thrives. Its legacy? Not measured in sales figures, but in the quiet moments when a hand grazes a well-worn wallet or a shoulder settles into a weathered bag. Time, the silent collaborator, weaves its magic. And 0.hide? It continues to create, to mold, to tell stories—each piece a testament to the enduring beauty of slow artistry.

Discover: www.0-hide.com

Follow: @_0.hide


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